Textor wants grace period to complete Everton purchase

John Textor is it seems interested in buying the Blues, but needs to divest himself of his existing share holdings in Crystal Palace before he can do so.
Olympique de Lyonnais v Paris Saint-Germain - French Cup Final
Olympique de Lyonnais v Paris Saint-Germain - French Cup Final / Christian Liewig - Corbis/GettyImages

According to reports today the US business mogul is trying to find a way around the impasse in order to facilitate a speedier purchase of Everton.

So, he has apparently asked for a 'grace period' and a time extension from the Premier League so as to get the Palace share sale sorted out.

In the meantime, Textor is hoping to be able to purchase a majority stake in the Toffees while he gets rid of his shares in the South London club and can then complete a full takeover of Everton.

Whether he will get this dispensation is uncertain, but given the Blues fraught relationship and recent history with the Premier League, I would not be too optimistic!

While all this goes on Everton are still in serious financial trouble - despite having some immediate income to stabilize things - are facing a possible third strike from the League's PSR and with absolutely no certainly about the future ownership of the club.

So who exactly is John Textor, the man who now might be the Blues new white knight and potential saviour?

Textor's background is in media, film and television where he was an early pioneer in digital distribution and was Executive Chairman of a tech company called Facebank Group Inc.

Then he became Chairman of fubo TV, a company that Facebank acquired. It was mainly focused on streaming sports, primarily of course American sport such as the NFL, Major League Baseball and the NBA. In addition, he has created other similar start-ups.

All this means the American has plenty of experience and expertise in cutting-edge technology and it's use in media platforms as well as a strong background in sports broadcasting.

Currently, Textor heads Eagle Football Holdings which is a company that has interests in several football clubs including France's Olympique Lyonnaise, Botafogo in Brazil and Crystal Palace.

The 58-year-old seems to take a hands-on approach to his football businesses and gets involved quite actively in his clubs games, as recent events at Lyon this season underline.

At least a lack of communication - so often a bugbear of Farhad Moshiri's time in charge - shouldn't be a problem with someone who has such a long history working in media and technology!

Obviously, the big question - apart of course from whether Textor will be able to buy Everton in the first place - is will he prove to be the right man if he does?

Toffees supporters will feel an understandable and strong degree of trepidation about anyone who comes along to purchase their club, after the near-disastrous experience of Moshiri's rein and then the farcical saga and failure of 777 Partners attempted takeover this season.

Everton need an owner with a commitment to finding the right people to run the football side of the club, who has the financial resources to support a much-needed restructuring of the squad, and will provide some desperately needed direction and stability after so much chaos and upheaval recently.

Will Textor tick all those boxes? We may well be about to find out, and possibly sooner rather than later.